Tighten Pro
C/C++/Cocoa tool for codesign security, Developer ID, & Mac App Store Receipt Validation

Tighten Pro - in the Mac App Store

Tighten Pro is now available in the Mac App Store. Simply click on the icon to the left to purchase directly from Apple. Or choose by clicking the image to the right.

Mac Developer: Apple updates XProtect.plist to block Yontoo

Apple updates XProtect.plist to block Yontoo: "Shortly after news emerged of a new adware trojan targeting OS X web browsers, Apple has updated its malware and adware detections list to block Yontoo."

Trojans and malware. The reason we have sandboxed & code signed binaries in the Mac App Store is to ensure that your application is not a launch vector for same.

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By : Tighten Apple updates XProtect.plist to block Yontoo 0 comments

Mac Developer: Everything You Wanted To Know About Apple’s New Anti-Virus Spotter | Cult of Mac

Everything You Wanted To Know About Apple’s New Anti-Virus Spotter | Cult of Mac: "The British security firm Intego has published a security memo that provides a clear and detailed view of Apple’s new XProtect anti-virus system in Snow Leopard."

Here's an older post on Xprotect.plist.

By : Tighten Everything You Wanted To Know About Apple’s New Anti-Virus Spotter | Cult of Mac 0 comments

Mac Developer: Apple acknowledges evad3r jailbreakers found 4 of 6 exploits fixed with iOS 6.1.3

Apple acknowledges evad3r jailbreakers found 4 of 6 exploits fixed with iOS 6.1.3: "Evad3rs leveraged some of the exploits to create the evasi0n jailbreak, which allowed iPhone 5 and iPad mini owners to 'liberate' their devices. "

Sounds like the hackers are very helpful in this case. And maybe most cases.

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By : Tighten Apple acknowledges evad3r jailbreakers found 4 of 6 exploits fixed with iOS 6.1.3 0 comments

Mac Developer: Apple marketing chief uses rare Twitter post to take shot at Android security issues

Apple marketing chief uses rare Twitter post to take shot at Android security issues: "Schiller took to Twitter on Thursday for just the 172nd time since opening his account in 2008"

He tweets but lightly where others rant incoherently.


By : Tighten Apple marketing chief uses rare Twitter post to take shot at Android security issues 0 comments




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