Tighten Pro
C/C++/Cocoa tool for codesign security, Developer ID, & Mac App Store Receipt Validation

Tighten Pro - in the Mac App Store

Tighten Pro is now available in the Mac App Store. Simply click on the icon to the left to purchase directly from Apple. Or choose by clicking the image to the right.

Mac Developer: NSA Internet Spying Sparks Race to Create Offshore Havens for Data Pri - Elizabeth Dwoskin and Frances Robinson - Voices - AllThingsD

NSA Internet Spying Sparks Race to Create Offshore Havens for Data Pri - Elizabeth Dwoskin and Frances Robinson - Voices - AllThingsD
The companies promise that by encrypting email through German servers and hewing to the country’s strict privacy laws, U.S. authorities won’t easily be able to pry inside. "

You can run, but you can't hide. They have the backbone people. The backbone.


By : Tighten NSA Internet Spying Sparks Race to Create Offshore Havens for Data Pri - Elizabeth Dwoskin and Frances Robinson - Voices - AllThingsD 0 comments

Mac Developer: Please, no printf

I had a good laugh today reading a job posting on Monster that required the candidate "use a real debugger" and not use print statements. Must be one of those companies dumping shovelware in the iOS App Store. You know, the apps that have fancy UX design and sometimes do something correctly before crashing inexplicably.

I often see postings on elance and odesk that read "Instagram clone: budget $50"

With comedy like this available in real life, who needs The Onion?

By : Tighten Please, no printf 0 comments

Mac Developer: Los Angeles schools halt home use of district-issued iPads after students hack security restrictions

Los Angeles schools halt home use of district-issued iPads after students hack security restrictions - The Los Angeles Unified School District has suspended home use of Apple's iPad by students until further notice following the revelation that a number of students had bypassed the school-installed security features on the device.

Hard to believe people are shocked by this. High school was maybe the only time I had to muddle around with the 6502 assembly innards of the Apple ][ and C64. After that, C was preferred because it simply did everything I needed without the inconvenience of opcodes.


By : Tighten Los Angeles schools halt home use of district-issued iPads after students hack security restrictions 0 comments

Mac Developer: Fake iMessage app for Android spoofs Mac mini, routes chats through China [u]

Fake iMessage app for Android spoofs Mac mini, routes chats through China [u] - A new messaging app aping the iMessage name has shown up on Google's Play Store, but Android device owners may want to think twice before downloading the unsanctioned app, as it doesn't seem to work as advertised and may be doing a bit more than it lets on.

This is the future of security. A world so complex, mere mortals cannot be expected to understand risks. I don't think iOS is immune.

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By : Tighten Fake iMessage app for Android spoofs Mac mini, routes chats through China [u] 0 comments




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