Tighten Pro
C/C++/Cocoa tool for codesign security, Developer ID, & Mac App Store Receipt Validation

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Mac Developer: Apple's increasing cultural influence colors "Obama crash"

Apple's increasing cultural influence colors "Obama crash"
Businessweek for its November 3 edition metaphorically portrays U.S. President Obama as "crashed," and in need of a reboot, depicting him as a partially loaded image with the wait beach ball cursor from OS X."

I'm not sure this is progress. Is it? Beachball is the new blue screen of death?

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Mac Developer: IBM surrenders $600M CIA cloud deal to Amazon | VentureBeat

IBM surrenders $600M CIA cloud deal to Amazon | VentureBeat - IBM didn’t expect to lose to Amazon, which has historically been dismissive of private cloud solutions.

You have to wonder, exactly what business is in? Oh, yeah, the everything business.

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Mac Developer: Apple’s new OS X Mavericks crashes far more frequently for some (including me) | VentureBeat

Apple’s new OS X Mavericks crashes far more frequently for some (including me) | VentureBeat - But the new OS release, named for the famous surfing location in northern California, also crashes just like the big waves it was named for.

I have Leopard 10.5 running on a PowerBook and haven't rebooted it in over a year. Might be two years. Low-power, nice and cool, crash-less. In short, what an operating system is supposed to be.

I remember my TiBook running 10.2 was the same way. Simple. Reliable.


By : Tighten Apple’s new OS X Mavericks crashes far more frequently for some (including me) | VentureBeat 0 comments

Mac Developer: Here’s how Apple assaulted Microsoft at its iPad Air event — in 3 crushing quotes | VentureBeat

Here’s how Apple assaulted Microsoft at its iPad Air event — in 3 crushing quotes | VentureBeat - One of the more interesting parts of Apple’s announcement today came from Apple engineering VP Craig Federighi, who announced that Mavericks, the latest version of OS X, would be completely free for all Mac users.

The logical progression is to start licensing motherboard designs to 3rd parties so that the grey area hackintosh market can legitimately join the OS X installed base.


By : Tighten Here’s how Apple assaulted Microsoft at its iPad Air event — in 3 crushing quotes | VentureBeat 0 comments

Mac Developer: California man sues Apple CEO Tim Cook over automatic iOS 7 update

California man sues Apple CEO Tim Cook over automatic iOS 7 update - In 2009, Apple was sued by another California man who alleged that the Cupertino company secretly conspired with the Italian mafia to threaten him into becoming a fashion model.

Regrettably, I have just returned from my assignment as a fashion model. Had I known litigation was an option, I might have acted differently.


By : Tighten California man sues Apple CEO Tim Cook over automatic iOS 7 update 0 comments

Mac Developer: Microsoft: Everyone stop running so the fat kid Win RT can catch up • The Register

Microsoft: Everyone stop running so the fat kid Win RT can catch up • The Register - Microsoft has shifted into a faster, annual release cycle in the place where a fast release cycle isn't really wanted – on the enterprise desktop. And just where a faster release cycle is needed, it moved the Phone team into a slower, 18-month release cycle.

The Register says it best: people whose day to day activities are not tweeting and instagramming do not want a new operating system every year. Let alone a new operating system that requires the retraining of 100,000 staff at the organization.


By : Tighten Microsoft: Everyone stop running so the fat kid Win RT can catch up • The Register 0 comments

Mac Developer: NASA’s $1.1B Jupiter probe reboots after unexpected cat nap | VentureBeat

NASA’s $1.1B Jupiter probe reboots after unexpected cat nap | VentureBeat - The folks at NASA’s Southwest Research Institute are undoubtedly breathing heavy sighs of relief today after discovering that the space agency’s $1.1 billion Juno probe decided to turn back on after unexpectedly “falling asleep.”

Hopefully it's running XPSP3 and not FreeBSD or Linux. Otherwise I'd just look plain silly.


By : Tighten NASA’s $1.1B Jupiter probe reboots after unexpected cat nap | VentureBeat 0 comments

Mac Developer: Some iPhone 5s owners reporting 'Blue Screen of Death' with iWork apps

Some iPhone 5s owners reporting 'Blue Screen of Death' with iWork apps - Posts regarding the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) began to appear on Apple's support boards in September, with users claiming that their iPhone 5s units would crash when using Apple's iWork apps.

Sometime in the 90s, Richard Gabriel had a though-provoking article in his column observing that in biological systems, very fast evolution comes before extinction. It's been awhile and I may be inaccurately paraphrasing, so I'll say it here: nobody needs a new operating system every year. Nobody needs an operating system with a ton of new features that causes existing application software to cease to function incorrectly.

In the end, Linux will be running most of the important systems in the world because nobody is forcing anyone to upgrade their systems for some commercially motivated strategy guised as a benefit to the ultimate user of the product or in response to some perceived market need generated by retarded online "journalists" or worse "M&A" investment bankers. I could just as easily have written this post on my G4 PowerBook, which is overloaded with 10.5 and is still working perfectly after just 5 years.

The consumer culture of disposable things is going to be replaced by a culture of valued, recyclable, renewable things.

Richard Gabriel

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By : Tighten Some iPhone 5s owners reporting 'Blue Screen of Death' with iWork apps 0 comments

Mac Developer: Apple’s iOS 7 Update Causing Trouble for Some School iPad Deployments - John Paczkowski - News - AllThingsD

Apple’s iOS 7 Update Causing Trouble for Some School iPad Deployments - John Paczkowski - News - AllThingsD - Apple did not realize that installing iOS 7 would remove our (and thousands of organizations across the country) safety protection measure, which now makes the iPad devices unfiltered when accessing the Internet away from school.

Hopefully it should be obvious that everything that is not a phone should not be treated like a fashion accessory. Including the Mac.


By : Tighten Apple’s iOS 7 Update Causing Trouble for Some School iPad Deployments - John Paczkowski - News - AllThingsD 0 comments

Mac Developer: Former Microsoft privacy chief no longer trusts company | Microsoft - CNET News

Former Microsoft privacy chief no longer trusts company | Microsoft - CNET News - Bowden, whose Twitter feed identifies him as "ex-Chief Privacy Adviser MSFT (hey, I tried)," told the conference he was not aware of the program's existence during his Microsoft tenure.

MSFT "privacy advisor" unaware of NSA PRISM program. Now that's what I call transparency! It's so transparent, you can't see it.


By : Tighten Former Microsoft privacy chief no longer trusts company | Microsoft - CNET News 0 comments




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