Tighten Pro C/C++/Cocoa tool for codesign security, Developer ID, & Mac App Store Receipt Validation
  Tighten Pro - in the Mac App Store
Tighten Pro is now available in the Mac App Store.
Simply click on the icon to the left to purchase directly from Apple.
Or choose PKCS#7Viewer.app by clicking the image to the right.
Mac Developer: Woz says Apple would never hire him or Steve Jobs today | Cult of Mac
Woz says Apple would never hire him or Steve Jobs today | Cult of Mac: "Steve Wozniak thinks he and co-founder Steve Jobs could never have found employment at the company they created together, had they been in their twenties in 2015.
‘I look at the experience and education levels you need to get a job at Apple today and I think, ‘Well, Steve Jobs and I never could’ve gotten a job at Apple today,'’ Woz told The Australian Financial Review in an interview."
But they wouldn't need to because they could download Xcode and spend $100 to enroll in an Apple developer program and start their own company that way. It's the eco-system, silly.
Labels: apple
Mac Developer: Apple's Safari among browsers taken down at Pwn2Own day 2
Apple's Safari among browsers taken down at Pwn2Own day 2: "South Korean security researcher Jung Hoon Lee toppled Safari with a use-after-free vulnerability, according to Threatpost. Lee was then able to bypass Safari's sandbox thanks to an uninitialized stack pointer, with the combined exploits netting him some $50,000 in prize money."
It's unfortunate, but the lazy code of browser-writers penalize everyone else who must spend months reworking application software to work within the confines of increasingly restrictive security sandboxes.
It's the browser. And apps that thinly wrap the browser (read: Facebook). Labels: app security, security flaw
Mac Developer: Apple reportedly cracks down on antivirus apps from iOS App Store, many apps pulled | 9to5Mac
Apple reportedly cracks down on antivirus apps from iOS App Store, many apps pulled | 9to5Mac: "One casualty of the removal is Intego’s VirusBarrier, which claims that this takedown was not specific to its product with Apple deciding the entire category of antivirus products is now off-limits."
I like the fact that Apple is fairly lax about editorializing App Store content, but it would be good if the app store became organized around search because otherwise in the long term, Google will be used to find apps in the store.
Labels: app security, app store
Mac Developer: Hundreds of iOS apps vulnerable to HTTPS-based FREAK attack
Hundreds of iOS apps vulnerable to HTTPS-based FREAK attack
Security researchers at FireEye recently went through thousands of iOS and Android apps and found that while a bulk are not vulnerable to the "FREAK" (Factoring RSA Export Keys) attack, a significant number are, reports Ars Technica.
Internal app security is the next frontier of security. Labels: secure coding mac, security flaw
Mac Developer: Who's afraid of the Apple Watch?
Who's afraid of the Apple Watch?: "When experts at Bluebox Security examined a series of holiday-promoted Android products being sold in the U.S. at major retailers including Target and Walmart, it found that virtually every one of them was contaminated by malware or wide open vulnerabilities, in some cases with apparent malice involved, in the same fashion as Lenovo's intentional, ROI-motivated installation of Superfish advertising malware on its Windows notebooks."
It's not always good to lead in a category.
Labels: security flaw
Mac Developer: CIA has waged 'secret campaign' to crack Apple's iOS security - report
CIA has waged 'secret campaign' to crack Apple's iOS security - report: "Classified documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveal that the Central Intelligence Agency has been engaged in a multi-year coordinated effort to crack the security of Apple's iOS platform, which powers and protects the iPhone and iPad."
If they were smart, they'd join forces with the NSA. Love that compartmentalization! Labels: security
Mac Developer: Researchers Find New 'FREAK' Security Flaw, Apple Says Fix Coming Soon - Mac Rumors
Researchers Find New 'FREAK' Security Flaw, Apple Says Fix Coming Soon - Mac Rumors: "Researchers have recently uncovered a major security flaw in software created by companies like Google and Apple, leaving many devices vulnerable to hacking attempts, reports The Washington Post. Called 'FREAK' (Factoring Attack on RSA-EXPORT Keys), the vulnerability stems from a U.S. government policy that once prevented companies from exporting strong encryption, requiring them to instead create weak 'export-grade' products to ship to customers outside of the United States. "
US policy, the gift that keeps on giving!
Labels: security, security law
Mac Developer: Cook teases ‘ton’ of Apple Watch announcements, including Panera Bread, Salesforce enterprise & fitness apps | 9to5Mac
Cook teases ‘ton’ of Apple Watch announcements, including Panera Bread, Salesforce enterprise & fitness apps | 9to5Mac: "In addition to discussing the international Apple Watch launch and accessibility efforts at a briefing in Germany, Apple CEO Tim Cook teased ‘a whole ton of announcements coming shortly about all of the apps coming’ for the Apple Watch, according to employees in attendance. Cook first highlighted the use of the Apple Watch in hotels by saying that ‘some of the best hotels in the world’ will allow Apple Watch users to use the wearable to unlock room doors."
Sounds like a good thing. Although I would worry that an unconscious person's finger can be used to unlock their iPhone TouchID. By unconscious, I mean sleeping. Labels: security, touch ID
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