Tighten Pro
C/C++/Cocoa tool for codesign security, Developer ID, & Mac App Store Receipt Validation

Tighten Pro - in the Mac App Store

Tighten Pro is now available in the Mac App Store. Simply click on the icon to the left to purchase directly from Apple. Or choose PKCS#7Viewer.app by clicking the image to the right.

Mac Developer: San Bernardino shooter's iPhone may hold evidence of 'dormant cyber pathogen,' DA says

San Bernardino shooter's iPhone may hold evidence of 'dormant cyber pathogen,' DA says In an application to file an amicus brief with a California court on Thursday, San Bernardino District Attorney Michael A. Ramos intimates an iPhone used by terror suspect Syed Rizwan Farook, and later seized by law enforcement officials, might contain evidence of a "dormant cyber pathogen" threatening the county's data infrastructure.
Nonsense but as all things American media, highly entertaining.

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By : Tighten San Bernardino shooter's iPhone may hold evidence of 'dormant cyber pathogen,' DA says


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