Tighten Pro C/C++/Cocoa tool for codesign security, Developer ID, & Mac App Store Receipt Validation
  Tighten Pro - in the Mac App Store
Tighten Pro is now available in the Mac App Store.
Simply click on the icon to the left to purchase directly from Apple.
Or choose PKCS#7Viewer.app by clicking the image to the right.
Mac Developer: Google slaps Symantec for sloppy certs, slow show of SNAFUs • The Register
Google slaps Symantec for sloppy certs, slow show of SNAFUs • The Register: "Google's Chrome development team has posted a stinging criticism of Symantec's certificate-issuance practices, saying it has lost confidence in the company's practices and therefore in the safety of sessions hopefully-secured by Symantec-issued certificates."
Securing internet transactions: a house of cards. Will I buy a $9.99/year Google-issued certificate? The answer is a resounding yes, Go Daddy! Labels: security fail, security policy
Mac Developer: Microsoft Word macro malware automatically adapts attack techniques for macOS, Windows
Microsoft Word macro malware automatically adapts attack techniques for macOS, Windows: "When executed, the macro reads and decodes base 64-encoded data stored in the file's "comments" property. This code turns out to be a python script that attempts to detect the operating system the file is opened inside, running one of two different functions depending on if the host system is running macOS or Windows. "
Things that go hmmm in the night. Labels: malware
Mac Developer: After NSA hacking exposé, CIA staffers asked where Equation Group went wrong | Ars Technica
After NSA hacking exposé, CIA staffers asked where Equation Group went wrong | Ars Technica: "A third error was the failure to renew some of the domain name registrations Equation Group-infected computers reported to. When Kaspersky Lab obtained the addresses, the researchers were shocked to find some machines infected by a malware platform abandoned more than 10 years earlier were still connecting to it."
Seems like everyone hates GoDaddy autorenew. Labels: security policy
Mac Developer: How Google's lack of human curation spreads and monetizes fake news
How Google's lack of human curation spreads and monetizes fake news: "Google search is developing a credibility problem that could be blamed on artificial intelligence. In a statement, the company said its algorithms for generating "featured snippet" answers can cause "instances when we feature a site with inappropriate or misleading content," resulting in false answers."
Worse than yellow journalism? You tell me. Labels: security policy
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